How to import products

A guide on importing products form the app to your Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce store.

From the app, you can import products directly to your Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce store by setting them to Active status.

To do so, first visit the Products page.

From here, you can select the Is Active toggle on any product card.

A success message will display confirming the product status is now Active.

To set multiple products to Active status, select the checkbox next to the Product Name of every product you would like to import.

Select the Actions dropdown, then select Set Active.

A success message will display confirming the products are now in Active status.

Please allow 1-2 minutes for the product(s) to appear on your Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce store.

Only products in Draft status can be set to Active and imported.

Once a product has been set to Active status, it cannot be edited in the app. You will need to set the product to Draft status to make additional changes.

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