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How to update an order

How to update the quantity or shipping address for an order in the app

At this time, only the order item quantity and shipping address can be updated for dropship orders in certain situations.

Please note that an order must be in Pending status to update order item quantities.

To update order item quantities, go to the Orders page, then select View Details on the order you’d like to update.

Update the quantity field for any order item.

The page will automatically reload and update pricing based on the new quantity.

Please note that the shipping address can only be updated for orders in Issue status.

To update the shipping address, go to the Orders page, then select View Details on the order you’d like to update.

Select Edit under the shipping address.

Update the shipping address and select Save.

The page will automatically reload with the updated shipping address.

If the order’s Issue status was due to an invalid or restricted address, it will update to Pending status if the issue is resolved.

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